La impresión de un artista de 'Oumuamua, el primer objeto interestelar descubierto en el sistema solar. ESA / Hubble, NASA, ESO, M. Kornmesser, CC BY
Como astrofísico, probablemente la pregunta más común que me hacen es:"¿Estamos solos en el universo y existen los extraterrestres?"
No hay duda:a la gente le encanta pensar y hablar sobre extraterrestres. Por eso, Las historias sobre la búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre se recogen y se publican con entusiasmo en los medios de comunicación.
Pero lo que realmente se encuentra en el corazón de este tema complicado y popular es la evidencia:la naturaleza de cualquier evidencia de vida extraterrestre, cómo vemos y respetamos esta evidencia, y cómo se comunica al público.
En ninguna parte es esto más importante que en la cobertura de estudios científicos de un objeto misterioso, 'Oumuamua, que fue descubierto recientemente pasando por nuestro sistema solar. Por ejemplo, dos publicaciones en dos respetadas revistas revisadas por pares provocaron reacciones muy diferentes.
Hola 'Oumuamua
'Oumuamua, que significa explorador o mensajero en hawaiano, es el nombre que se le da al primer objeto interestelar detectado que visita nuestro sistema solar. En el descubrimiento del año pasado, 'Oumuamua fue clasificado como un cometa, pero esto se retiró más tarde cuando no se detectó evidencia de actividad cometaria.
Rápidamente se descubrió que Oumuamua tiene una órbita que no pertenece a nuestro sistema solar. Tiene un origen en otra parte de nuestra galaxia, y una trayectoria que lo vio atravesar el sistema solar interior en el transcurso de unos meses.
Pasó cerca del sol y de la tierra, y se encontró que tenía una geometría inusual, unos 200 metros de largo y unos 35 metros de ancho, rotando cada siete horas.
El descubrimiento de 'Oumuamua generó mucha atención en la comunidad científica, y en los medios. Dada su geometría inusual y su origen fuera del sistema solar, Pronto se hicieron preguntas sobre si 'Oumuamua podría ser una nave espacial.
Se realizaron observaciones con radiotelescopios para buscar cualquier evidencia directa de transmisiones que indiquen vida inteligente, incluso por un equipo dirigido por mí utilizando un telescopio australiano (el Murchison Widefield Array). Escuchábamos frecuencias de radio FM, sobre la base de que cualquier vida inteligente en 'Oumuamua puede reconocer las frecuencias FM populares en la Tierra.
En estas búsquedas nunca se encontró evidencia directa de vida inteligente.
Más datos concretos sobre 'Oumuamua
Observaciones extensas e impresionantes con una variedad de telescopios, incluido el telescopio espacial Hubble, fueron hechos para determinar con precisión la trayectoria de 'Oumuamua. Resultados del estudio, por un equipo de astrónomos dirigido por Marco Micheli de la Agencia Espacial Europea, fueron publicados en Nature en junio.
Estas observaciones muy cuidadosas mostraron que 'Oumuamua aceleró al salir del sistema solar, revelando la existencia de "fuerzas no gravitacionales". Esto significa que la trayectoria del objeto no podría explicarse solo por la gravedad del sol y otros objetos importantes de nuestro sistema solar.
Existe una variedad de posibles explicaciones para la aceleración. Una es que el gas calentado que escapa de 'Oumuamua (desgasificación) podría producir una fuerza que provocó la aceleración observada. Esto se ve comúnmente en cometas normales.
Pero 'Oumuamua todavía no muestra evidencia de actividad cometaria. El equipo de Micheli analizó seis posibles explicaciones y concluyó que la desgasificación es la opción más probable. aunque no hay evidencia directa de que este sea el caso.
Demostraron que la aceleración de 'Oumuamua es inusual, pero dentro de los límites de lo que se ha visto anteriormente para los cometas del sistema solar.
Una de las explicaciones descartadas por el equipo del estudio es que 'Oumuamua se aceleró por la presión de la radiación de nuestro sol. La radiación del sol puede alejar objetos de él.
Pero concluyeron que esta explicación no es la preferida, porque significa que la densidad de 'Oumuamua tendría que ser muy baja. An object needs have a large surface area and low mass (low density) to be accelerated by radiation pressure.
Could it be aliens?
Another study by postdoctoral researcher Shmuel Bialy and distinguished astronomer Avi Loeb, from Harvard University, took a different approach.
Details of the study have just been published in November's The Cartas de revistas astrofísicas , but were available online earlier.
The authors chose to asumir solar radiation pressure to be the cause of the acceleration, and then determined the properties of 'Oumuamua required to make this work. They require an object with thickness less than 1mm, an areal mass density of 1 to 2 grams per square centimetre, and a large area.
Data from the Murchison Widefield Array, showing no detection of radio signals from ‘Oumuamua in the frequency range 70-105MHz (containing the FM band). Credit:Steven Tingay and co-authors, Autor proporcionado
It is unlikely that nature would produce such an extreme geometry. The authors quickly mention this, before moving to a discussion that, under the assumption that solar radiation is the cause for the acceleration, 'Oumuamua is artificial—that means the product of an alien civilisation.
The properties the authors derive under their assumptions are similar to those of solar sails being designed and built by humans as a possible way to travel interstellar distances.
Bialy and Loeb spend half of their article discussion section on the idea that 'Oumuamua could be a defunct or active solar sail belonging to an alien civilisation.
The nature and communication of evidence
Bialy and Loeb did not issue a press release about their study, but the media picked up the paper once it was accepted and available online, prior to this week's journal publication.
(This is something that happened to me in 2012, leading to my published non-detection of aliens being run on the front page of the BBC news website.)
Bialy and Loeb's publication attracted headlines such as this, for example:"Harvard astronomers claim Oumuamua is ALIEN PROBE - 'Nothing like we've ever seen!'". Most other reporting was more balanced.
This is pretty normal. A lot of the media jump to aliens in the reporting of space and astronomy, even when the original reported studies have never mentioned aliens. Recent reporting of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) is an example.
What surprised me was the reaction of some of my colleagues to Bialy and Loeb's paper. On social media, there have been some pretty personal attacks by scientists – on Loeb in particular – for being in the media for this work.
Both new studies lay out their assumptions, cite substantial evidence, and undertake rigorous calculations. Both were accepted by top-quality journals after independent peer review.
Both finish with bottom lines that the studies of 'Oumuamua are inconclusive and we will need to examine more such objects that come through the solar system in the future.
Both sets of authors also come up with different perspectives and motivate different questions. But Loeb has ended up in the media, talking about his paper, and is being panned by some colleagues for it.
Artist’s impression of the IKAROS mission using a solar sail. Credit:Wikimedia/Andrzej Mirecki, CC BY-SA
Since the pre-journal paper was picked up he told me he has been swamped by media interest. "I use the discussions with the media as a platform for highlighting the standard scientific methodology:an anomaly is observed in data, the standard explanation fails to explain it, and so an alternative interpretation is proposed. I encourage anyone with a better explanation to write a paper about it and publish it. Wrong interpretations can be ruled out when more data will be released on 'Oumuamua or other members of its population in the future."
As for the negative reactions he has received, he referred to an article he recently published where he paraphrased another scientist known for his once-controversial theories. "As Galileo reasoned after looking through his telescope, 'in the sciences, the authority of a thousand is not worth as much as the humble reasoning of a single individual.'"
Let's talk about evidence
Given my work on observations of 'Oumuamua, a few journalists have contacted me for comment.
These have been great opportunities to discuss in depth with journalists the nature of evidence, the difference between something being consistent with observations and direct evidence for a conclusion, and the need for evidence to be commensurate with the impact of a claim.
If aliens are claimed, direct and robust evidence is required – not a conclusion based on a few observations that are difficult to explain, plus a bunch of assumptions.
But no scientist has claimed 'Oumuamua is alien in this discussion – they have just raised questions and explored answers.
There is no point in shying away from a proper discussion on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or in being personally critical of colleagues.
Scientists should take every opportunity to engage with the public and the media on the topic, given the public's interest and the media's willingness to report.
It is interesting, divertida, and scientific, and a great opportunity to discuss the scientific method and science in an engaging manner. The media reporting of 'Oumuamua shows that (aside from a few headlines), the content of reports is generally pretty good and responsible.
Whatever 'Oumuamua is (almost certainly not made by aliens, in my view), it is a fascinating object and presents lots of interesting scientific questions that will trigger further studies and observations.
We will never see 'Oumuamua again, and we may never know exactly what it is. But seeing 'Oumuamua in the news is likely to inspire some kids to take up a career in science.
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