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    A large mass of intrusive igneous rock that is beneath the earths surface a?
    A large mass of intrusive igneous rock that is beneath the Earth's surface is called a pluton .

    Aquí hay un desglose:

    * Intrusive igneous rock: This type of rock forms when magma (molten rock) cools and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface.

    * Pluton: This is the general term for any large body of intrusive igneous rock.

    * Batholith: A very large pluton, often covering hundreds of square kilometers.

    * Stock: A smaller version of a batholith.

    * Dike: A sheet-like intrusion that cuts across existing rock layers.

    * Sill: A sheet-like intrusion that runs parallel to existing rock layers.

    Let me know if you'd like more information on any of these terms!

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