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    what are some non examples of continental drift?
    Continental drift is the theory that the Earth's continents have moved over geologic time. It's important to understand that the concept is about large-scale, long-term movements of the Earth's crust. Therefore, non-examples of continental drift would be:

    Short-Term Movements:

    * Erosión: This is the wearing away of rock and soil by wind, water, or ice, and it doesn't involve the movement of continents.

    * deslizamientos de tierra: These are rapid movements of soil and rock down a slope, and they are localized events.

    * terremotos: Si bien los terremotos pueden causar cambios en la superficie de la Tierra, generalmente se localizan y no representan el movimiento lento a gran escala de los continentes.

    * Erupciones volcánicas: Similar to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions can create new landforms, but they are localized events.

    Non-Geological Movements:

    * marea: These are the rise and fall of sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.

    * corrientes oceánicas: These are large-scale movements of water in the oceans, driven by wind and differences in temperature and salinity.

    * Patrones meteorológicos: These are short-term changes in atmospheric conditions, such as wind, temperature, and precipitation.

    Incorrect Theories:

    * Creationism: Esta es una creencia religiosa sobre el origen de la tierra y la vida, y no proporciona una explicación científica para el movimiento de los continentes.

    * Flat Earth Theory: This is a belief that the Earth is flat, which contradicts the scientific evidence that the Earth is a sphere.

    En resumen, las no pruebas de deriva continental son eventos o teorías que no involucran el movimiento a gran escala y a largo plazo de los continentes de la Tierra durante el tiempo geológico.

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