En este viernes 9 de agosto 2019, Foto, los empleados trabajan en Growing Home, Inc en el barrio de Englewood de Chicago. Atlanta, Chicago y otras grandes ciudades de todo el país están adoptando un enfoque múltiple para llevar dietas saludables a los "desiertos alimentarios, "en su mayoría vecindarios de bajos ingresos ubicados a millas de distancia del supermercado más cercano. Sus iniciativas incluyen puestos de productos frescos en estaciones de transporte público, huertos urbanos, y asociaciones con empresas de viajes compartidos para transportar a los residentes a las tiendas de abarrotes y los mercados de agricultores. El objetivo es reducir los trastornos de salud y empoderar a las comunidades de bajos ingresos. (Foto AP / Amr Alfiky)
En su camino a casa, Darnell Eleby hizo una pausa antes de abordar el tren de cercanías en la estación Five Points de Atlanta y maniobró su silla de ruedas hasta una parada que no se ve en muchas plataformas de transporte público:un puesto de comida fresca repleto de coloridas frutas y verduras. Ayudado por un voluntario, llenó una canasta con plátanos, manzanas maíz y calabaza y se paga con un bono de programa de salud.
"Te ayuda cuando no puedes ir a la tienda, "Dijo Eleby.
En Chicago, grupos sin fines de lucro han abierto clínicas de salud donde el personal brinda a los pacientes educación nutricional y cupones gratuitos para los mercados de agricultores de la zona repletos de alimentos saludables. Ambas ciudades también han fomentado los crecientes esfuerzos para plantar huertos urbanos.
Las grandes ciudades de todo el país están utilizando este enfoque múltiple para llevar dietas saludables a los "desiertos alimentarios, "en su mayoría vecindarios de bajos ingresos ubicados a kilómetros de distancia del supermercado más cercano. Esperan no solo reducir las tasas de diabetes, presión arterial alta y obesidad, sino para fomentar el activismo y el empoderamiento de la comunidad.
"Hacemos esto por ... responsabilidad hacia nuestra comunidad, "Safia Rashid dijo del jardín que ella y su esposo, Kamau Rashid, han tendido en el lado sur de Chicago durante los últimos 14 años.
La madre de 44 años dijo que la pareja comenzó a trabajar en el jardín cuando su hijo mayor tenía 3 años. para luchar contra el "apartheid alimentario" ... gente que desinvirtió deliberadamente en esta comunidad, quitarnos la comida sana, "Dijo Safia Rashid.
En este viernes 16 de agosto 2019, Foto, una niña lleva una cabra en el mercado de agricultores de la Red de Acción Musulmana del Interior (IMAN) en Chicago en Chicago en Chicago. Atlanta, Chicago y otras grandes ciudades de todo el país están adoptando un enfoque múltiple para llevar dietas saludables a los "desiertos alimentarios, "en su mayoría vecindarios de bajos ingresos ubicados a millas de distancia del supermercado más cercano. Sus iniciativas incluyen puestos de productos frescos en estaciones de transporte público, huertos urbanos, y asociaciones con empresas de viajes compartidos para transportar a los residentes a las tiendas de abarrotes y los mercados de agricultores. El objetivo es reducir los trastornos de salud y empoderar a las comunidades de bajos ingresos. (Foto AP / Amr Alfiky)
El jardín de los Rashid crece en South Chicago Farm, un sitio de 14 acres (5.6 hectáreas) desarrollado en 2015. Es una de las ocho granjas de este tipo en Chicago operadas por Urban Growers Collective, una organización sin fines de lucro.
En Atlanta, muchos de los tomates, Los melocotones y pimientos que se encuentran en los contenedores de Fresh MARTA Markets provienen de alimentos cultivados en la ciudad y granjas cercanas, dijo Hilary King, de los Mercados de Agricultores Comunitarios sin fines de lucro, que se asocia con la Autoridad de Tránsito Rápido Metropolitano de Atlanta para administrar las gradas. Lanzado en 2015, los mercados MARTA están ubicados en diferentes estaciones durante la semana.
"No podemos confiar en los métodos minoristas tradicionales, ", dijo el director de agricultura urbana de Atlanta, Mario Cambardella.
Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro también se han asociado con la compañía de viajes compartidos Lyft para brindar a hasta 300 familias de bajos ingresos viajes con descuento a mercados de agricultores y tiendas de comestibles en Atlanta. El programa piloto de seis meses, llamado Access AgLanta, comenzó el 1 de junio, inspirado en una asociación similar de Lyft en Washington, CORRIENTE CONTINUA.
En este jueves 15 de agosto 2019, Foto, Christopher "Mad Dog" Thomas, lleva a su hijo, Rian Gatewood-Hillestad, mientras compra en Pete's Market en el vecindario Garfield de Chicago. Thomas, que creció en el vecindario Altgeld Gardens en el lado sur de Chicago, dijo que ha sufrido de "trastorno alimentario del desierto de alimentos, 'donde todo lo que puede permitirse comer son caramelos ". Thomas y su esposa, hacer un viaje semanal fuera de su vecindario a esta tienda, que su esposa describe como "los alimentos integrales negros o hispanos". (Foto AP / Amr Alfiky)
"Lo que hemos escuchado a menudo a lo largo de los años es que el transporte es una gran barrera para el acceso a los alimentos, "dijo Alysa Moore, gerente de programa de Georgia Fresh For Less, que brinda a los residentes del estado que reciben cupones de alimentos asistencia financiera para comprar en los mercados de agricultores.
Eleby depende en gran medida de los mercados de plataformas de tránsito. Sin ellos, él dijo, he'd be forced to rely on a small scattering of stores in his low-income neighborhood in southwest Atlanta where he said he has to smell food or examine it for mold before buying it. The food there, él dijo, isn't "like it's supposed to be."
A partir de 2015, roughly 22% of Atlanta's population was living in a low-income community more than a mile from a food store, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In Chicago, that number is 5%. Comparatively, the number in Seattle is 7.8%; Washington, CORRIENTE CONTINUA., 6.4%; Baltimore, 4.3%; and Milwaukee, 3.5%, according to the USDA.
In this Monday, Aug. 19, 2019, Foto, dietitian Heba Abdel Latief, Derecha, talks to her patient, Richard Ware, at Inner-city Muslim Action Network's (IMAN) farmers market in Chicago. IMAN offers free of charge dietitian visits at their health clinic. Atlanta, Chicago and other large cities across the country are taking a multi-pronged approach to bringing healthy diets to "food deserts, " mostly low-income neighborhoods located miles away from the nearest supermarket. The goal is to reduce health disorders and empower low-income communities. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
Christopher "Mad Dog" Thomas, 34, who grew up in the Altgeld Gardens neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, said he has suffered from "'food desert eating disorder, ' where all you can afford to eat is candy."
Thomas and his wife, Kathryn Gatewood, make a weekly trip outside their neighborhood to a store called Pete's Supermarket, which Kathryn Gatewood describes as "the black or Hispanic Whole Foods."
"We spend almost 40% of our paychecks combined to ensure a healthier diet for our kids, " ella dijo, adding that it is a better alternative than buying bad food from the "dusty shelves" of corner stores in Englewood.
The Chicago nonprofit Inner-City Muslim Action Network has launched "The Corner Store Campaign" to change that.
Sami Defalla, who runs the Morgan Mini Mart in Englewood, has been an active partner with the campaign for more than two years. Defalla has created a "green zone" in the store where shoppers can purchase inexpensive fresh fruits and vegetables.
In this Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019, Foto, Rian Gatewood-Hillestad plays with apples while shopping with his parents at Pete's Market in Chicago's Garfield Neighborhood. Christopher "Mad Dog" Thomas, Rian's father, organizes a weekly family trip outside their neighborhood to Pete's Supermarket, which his wife describes as "the black or Hispanic Whole Foods." (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019, Foto, Viviana Gentry Fernandez-Pellon, co-founder of Cooperation Operation, smiles as she falls on her back while working to clear section of high weeds and brush to create a new space for an organic produce garden in the Pullman neighborhood of Chicago. Large cities across the country are using a multi-pronged approach to bring healthy diets to "food deserts, " mostly low-income neighborhoods located miles away from the nearest supermarket. They hope not only to reduce rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, but to encourage community activism and empowerment. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
En este viernes Aug. 9, 2019, Foto, Stanford Williams works at the Growing Home, Inc. farm in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Large cities across the country are using a multi-pronged approach to bring healthy diets to "food deserts, " mostly low-income neighborhoods located miles away from the nearest supermarket. They hope not only to reduce rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, but to encourage community activism and empowerment. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
En este viernes July 19, Foto 2019, Celeste Lomax harvests anise hyssop plants in a community garden at the Urban Food Forest at Browns Mill in Atlanta. Lomax lives in a low-income neighborhood in south Atlanta with limited access to healthy food. She said the community gardens provide an alternative food source for volunteers and neighborhood residents. (AP Photo/Andrea Smith)
In this Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019, Foto, Kamau Rashid works in his garden in the South Chicago Farm on Chicago's south side. Rashid and his wife Safia, started urban farming almost 14 years ago, when their oldest son was 3 years old. "We're doing this out of us feeling the need and responsibility toward our community." Safia Rashid, dijo. Living in a neighborhood with little access to healthy foods, so-called food deserts, they set out to fight what they called "food apartheid." (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019, Foto, people gather for a barbecue in a vacant lot hosted by Inner-city Muslim Action Network's (IMAN) in Chicago's neighborhood of West Englewood. IMAN seeks to educated people on proper nutrition in a section of the city with low access to nutritional foods. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Monday, Aug. 19, 2019, Foto, Sami Deffala, owner of the Morgan Mini Mart in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood, Derecha, offers his condolences to a customer who lost her 17-year-old son recently to gun violence in Ohio. Sami Defalla, who runs the small Mart in Englewood, has been an active partner with the campaign for more than two years. Defalla has created a "green zone" in the store where shoppers can purchase inexpensive fresh fruits and vegetables. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
En este viernes Aug. 9, 2019, Foto, a man walks on a sidewalk past boarded up business in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. A partir de 2015, roughly 22% of Atlanta's population was living in a low-income community more than a mile from a food store, and in Chicago, that number is 5%, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Monday, Aug. 19, 2019, Foto, two people pass though the doorway of the Morgan Mini Mart in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Sami Defalla, who runs the Morgan Mini Mart in Englewood, has been an active partner with the campaign for more than two years. Defalla has created a "green zone" in the store where shoppers can purchase inexpensive fresh fruits and vegetables. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019, Foto, Olisaemeka Okakpu walks into a section of public land consisting of high weeds and brush, that his organization Cooperation Operation plan to clear for an organic produce garden in the Pullman neighborhood of Chicago. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019, Foto, Kathryn Gatewood pours juice into a glass for her son, Tracy at their home in Chicago's Englewood Neighborhood. "We spend almost 40% of our paychecks combined to ensure a healthier diet for our kids, " ella dijo, adding that it is a better alternative than buying bad food from the "dusty shelves" of corner stores in Englewood. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Thursday, Aug.15, 2019, Foto, Christopher "Mad Dog" Thomas, drives into Pete's Market in Chicago's Garfield Neighborhood. Thomas organizes a weekly family trip outside their neighborhood to the store, which his wife describes as "the black or Hispanic Whole Foods." (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
En este viernes Aug. 9, 2019, Foto, Maurice McCary, izquierda, Stanford Williams, center and Torreyon Simmons, work at the Growing Home, Inc. farm in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Large cities across the country are using a multi-pronged approach to bring healthy diets to "food deserts, " mostly low-income neighborhoods located miles away from the nearest supermarket. They hope not only to reduce rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, but to encourage community activism and empowerment. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019, Foto, Rian Gatewood-Hillestad reacts to cartoons printed on a cereal box while shopping with his parents at Pete's Market in Chicago's Garfield neighborhood. Christopher "Mad Dog" Thomas, Rian's father, organizes a weekly family trip outside their neighborhood to Pete's Supermarket, which his wife describes as "the black or Hispanic Whole Foods." (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
In this Tuesday, Aug. 20, Foto 2019, people pass by the Fresh MARTA Market in the West End transit station in Atlanta. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and the Atlanta nonprofit Community Farmers Markets partner to run the stands, which sell food from some Atlanta urban farms. (AP Photo/Andrea Smith)
In this Tuesday, Aug. 20, Foto 2019, volunteer Xavier Lopez helps a customer select fruits and vegetables at the Fresh MARTA Market at the West End transit station in Atlanta. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and the Atlanta nonprofit Community Farmers Markets partner to run the stands, which provide a healthy food source for people living in food deserts.(AP Photo/Andrea Smith)
In this Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019, Foto, Viviana Gentry Fernandez-Pellon, co-founder of Cooperation Operation, eats an apple as she looks over the successful urban community garden in Chicago's Pullman neighborhood. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky)
"I wish I had a bigger platform to offer more ... to my customers, " Deffala said.
The Muslim Action Network also operates a health clinic where patients can see a dietitian free of charge and receive coupons for free produce at the nearby farmers market. Every Friday, the group hosts a farmers market where residents can connect with local urban farmers.
As a volunteer in a community garden in Atlanta, Celeste Lomax is finally able to take fresh produce home to her low-income neighborhood, which is located about 4 miles (6.4 kilometers) away from the nearest supermarket.
"We have a right to eat healthy like everyone else does, " ella dijo.
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