He aquí por qué:
* Flat Orbit: A flat orbit means the Earth's orbital plane is exactly aligned with the plane of the Sun's equator.
* nodos lunares: The Moon's orbit is slightly inclined to the Earth's orbital plane. The points where the Moon's orbit intersects the Earth's orbital plane are called nodes.
* Solar Eclipse Conditions: Un eclipse solar ocurre cuando la luna pasa directamente entre el sol y la tierra. This can only happen when the Moon is at or near a node.
* Two Nodes: With a flat orbit, the Moon would cross both nodes twice a year, resulting in two opportunities for solar eclipses.
Nota importante: Si bien una órbita plana garantizaría dos eclipses solares, el número real y los tipos de eclipses que experimentamos están influenciados por la inclinación de la órbita de la luna, la inclinación axial de la Tierra y otros factores.